2023 IIHF Women´s Ice Hockey Summit - Ráðstefna um íshokkí kvenna

Íshokkísamband Íslands (ÍHÍ) hefur fengið boð um þátttöku á ráðstefnu Alþjóðaíshokkísambandsins (IIHF) um íshokkí kvenna.

ÍHÍ mun senda allt að fjóra aðila á þessa ráðstefnu. Ef fleiri en fjórir sækja um, þá mun stjórn ÍHÍ velja okkar fulltrúa úr hópi umsækjenda.

Ráðstefnan er á vegum IIHF í Búdapest, 23.-26. febrúar 2023.

Brottför 22. febrúar og heimferð 27. febrúar 2023.

Allur kostnaður við flug, gistingu og fæði er greitt af ÍHÍ og IIHF.

Fulltrúar okkar verða að vera í forsvari fyrir íshokkí kvenna með einum eða öðrum hætti og skilyrði að þessir aðilar verði svo í framhaldinu í nefnd ÍHÍ um íshokkí kvenna. Sjá reglugerð nr. 17

Markmiðið er að efla íshokkí kvenna um alla framtíð, enda eitt stærsta sóknartækifæri í íshokkí á Íslandi.

Áhugasamir aðilar sæki um til sinna aðildarfélaga eða beint til ÍHÍ, netfang ihi@ihi.is

Skilaboð frá IIHF;

The IIHF Women’s Committee with the support of the IIHF leadership will host next year a women’s ice hockey summit, a global forum for the leaders of the female game worldwide.

The program will be composed of general topics for all participants while breakout sessions will be organized for smaller groups to address the particular topics relevant to each participant.

Each Member National Association of the IIHF is invited to send their women’s program director to the event or the person in a decision-making position in relation to women’s ice hockey nationally.

In order to effectively build a network of leaders in women’s ice hockey, it is crucial that all countries send at least one in-person participant to the Summit, including those countries that are just in the early steps of establishing their program.

The IIHF will cover the costs of the conference and accommodation for one representative per MNA, however countries are welcome to send more than one representative at their own cost. Participants are responsible for their own travel to the event.

The Summit will take place in Budapest, Hungary, February 23-26 (February 23 is arrival, February 26 is departure day). Further details will be communicated in due course. At this stage we request our members to advise who will represent them at the Summit (including participant’s title and contacts) and the three main topics that should be included into the Summit agenda.

RSVPs are to be sent by no later than December 20, 2022. Individual registration link will be sent to all participants in January.